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Mallorca probing another racial

来源:International Interplay news portal编辑:health时间:2024-06-03 17:12:53

MADRID (AP) — Spanish club Mallorca said Sunday it was working with authorities to identify the fan who made monkey gestures after Real Madrid midfielder Aurélien Tchouaméni scored a goal in a Spanish league match this weekend.

The young fan was seen on television appearing to make the monkey gestures as Madrid players celebrated Tchouaméni’s goal early in the second half at Son Moix Stadium on Saturday. The fan then threw a plastic water bottle onto the field and Madrid players quickly showed it to the referee.

The Spanish league was also expected to formally denounce the alleged racial abuse.

Mallorca said it “will not tolerate any manifestation of racism” and noted that it “actively participates in all campaigns to eradicate this scourge that goes beyond sport.” In its statement, it said it didn’t want the “isolated case” to tarnish the image of Mallorca fans.

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