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Hong Kong Shanghai TV Week kicks off

来源:International Interplay news portal编辑:style时间:2024-06-03 18:43:57

The Hong Kong Shanghai TV Week opened on Saturday in the latest move to deepen cultural cooperation between the two cities as they jointly pledged at the sixth session of the Hong Kong/Shanghai Cooperation Conference held on Friday.

The event is co-organized by Shanghai Media Group and Radio Television Hong Kong as requested by a cooperation document the two sides signed at the conference.

Cultural programs produced by Shanghai Media Group will be aired on Radio Television Hong Kong Channel 31 from Saturday, including a documentary on early ancient Chinese civilization called China Before China, a program on the culture of Shanghai and a program about exhibits at the Shanghai Museum. The two media outlets also co-created a feature program about Hong Kongers residing in Shanghai and Shanghai natives living in Hong Kong.

Director of Shanghai Media Group Song Jiongming said at the opening ceremony that he hopes the programs to be aired during the week will foster affinity between the people of Shanghai and Hong Kong.

Eddie Cheung, director of broadcasting of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government and head of Radio Television Hong Kong, said the event showed stronger ties between media outlets in the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong. 

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