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Laos and Cambodia see rise in traffic deaths over New Years weekend — Radio Free Asia

来源:International Interplay news portal编辑:health时间:2024-06-03 21:26:28

Authorities in Cambodia and Laos have reported an uptick in traffic-related deaths during this week’s New Years festivities, a period that typically sees an increase in traffic fatalities.

Officials in both countries have pointed to an increase in drunk driving during the holiday season, which falls on April 13-16 this year, as the primary cause.

In Cambodia, at least 21 people died in traffic accidents during the first two days of the Khmer New Year’s celebrations. At least 58 other people were injured.

Last year’s New Year weekend celebrations in Cambodia saw at least 18 traffic-related fatalities.

Bo Pov, the head of a Phnom Penh-based humanitarian group, attributes the uptick in deaths to the government’s failure to educate people in traffic laws. He also said that local police do not adequately enforce laws against driving under the influence.

“The government’s failure to prevent traffic accidents has caused innocent people to die,” he told RFA.

Authorities in Laos similarly reported that at least 13 people were killed and 253 others were injured in traffic accidents during the 2024 New Year weekend. 

A rescue worker in Vientiane told RFA that volunteer rescue teams have to stand by 24 hours a day during the New Years holiday due to the high number of traffic accidents.

“We do not have any free time [during the weekend] as we are receiving calls all night and all day,” he said.

A resident in Vientiane told RFA that it is common for people to drive home after attending New Year’s parties and consuming alcohol. He also pointed out that motorcyclists are at an increased risk, and that many of the fatal accidents he has seen have been between cars and motorcycles.

Colonel Khamsone Sidavong, deputy general director of the Traffic Police Department under the Ministry of Public Security, told local media that authorities are expecting an increase in fatalities compared to last year.

“Normally, New Year’s celebrations last only three days,” he explained. “This year the celebration period will last four days, so there will be more parties and therefore more accidents.”

In 2023, 25 people were killed and 611 others were injured during the three-day holiday period in Laos. The traffic police department reported that most of the traffic accidents took place between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m., which is when most people are returning home from New Year’s parties.

Translated by Phouvong and Sum Sok Ry. Edited by Claire McCrea and Malcolm Foster.

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