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World Skills Competition Promotes Vocational Education Exchange

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World Skills Competition Promotes Vocational Education Exchange

 August 12, 2022

NANCHANG, Aug. 11 (Xinhua) — The first World Vocational College Skills Competition has kicked off in China's Tianjin Municipality and Jiangxi Province.

At the Jiangxi division, 125 contestants of 36 teams from 28 countries will participate in two competitions: information security management and evaluation, and virtual reality design and production.

"The competition provides us with a platform to show our ability and an opportunity to learn from and communicate with others. I hope it can prove my value and find my shortcomings," said Azam John, a student from Tajikistan studying at Shenzhen Polytechnic in south China.

Themed "Skilled Youth, Shining Future," the first World Vocational College Skills Competition will take place between Monday and Saturday. The competition in Tianjin and Jiangxi opened on Monday and Wednesday, respectively.

The competition's goal is to build a platform for teachers and students of international vocational colleges to enhance friendship and skill exchanges and promote the integration of China's vocational and technical education with the world, said Li Chun from the vocational education department in the Ministry of Education.


(Source: Xinhua)


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