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China's Tang Qianting betters Asian record for women's 100m breaststroke

来源:International Interplay news portal编辑:business时间:2024-06-03 19:29:32

China's Tang Qianting bettered the Asian record for women's 100m breaststroke as she finished first in the semifinals of the event in China's National Championships on Saturday.

The 20-year-old led all the way from the start and touched the wall in 1:04.68, which was 0.59 seconds faster than her winning result at the Qatar World Championships two months ago, and represented the fifth fastest time ever in the women's 100m breaststroke.

In the women's 100m butterfly final, Olympic champion Zhang Yufei won her second gold medal in the tournament in 56.36 seconds. Yu Yiting finished second in 56.82 seconds, and Wang Yichun took third.

Qin Haiyang won the men's 100m breaststroke in 58.24 seconds, followed by Sun Jiajun and Dong Zhihao.

In the men's 400m medley final, Huang Zhiwei dominated the race in 4:16.33, five seconds ahead of runner-up Chen Nuo, while Li Yifeng finished third. 

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