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A third miner is declared dead in a cave

来源:International Interplay news portal编辑:style时间:2024-06-03 21:10:35

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Rescuers recovered the body of a third miner a day after a cave-in at the Myslowice-Wesola coal mine in southern Poland in which 12 other workers were hurt, a company spokesperson said Wednesday.

The miner was declared dead and the rescue operation finished as investigators look into the cause of the collapse, said Aleksandra Siembiga of the Polish Mining Group.

The cave-in happened around 3:30 a.m. Tuesday some 870 meters (2,800 feet) underground near the coal face in an area where 15 miners were working.

It was the second cave-in at the Myslowice-Wesola mine this year, following one on April 17 that killed one miner. Two other coal mine workers were killed in accidents inside other mines in Poland this year, while in 2023, 15 miners were killed in on-the job accidents.

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